Welcome to Oyne Primary School

About us

Oyne School is in the centre of the village of Oyne, 9 miles to the north of Inverurie in the heart of the Garioch.  The primary school is non-denominational and the catchment area is the village of Oyne and the surrounding rural area.  The school’s current pupil roll is 55. 

Some pupils who live out with the catchment area also attend the school. The main school building dates back to 1874 but has been substantially modernised and extended to provide the current 3 teacher accommodation. 

The school has an extensive playing field to the rear of the building where the children are regularly involved in environmental and recreational projects. 

There are three full time equivalent staff: the Headteacher and 3 class teachers who are supported by: 2 PSAs, an administrator/admin support assistant, a janitor and a cleaner Oyne is in the Inverurie Cluster Schools Network and P7 pupils transfer to Inverurie Academy and The Gordon Schools in Huntly.

Additional teaching support is provided for PE and Drama this session, and a Support for Learning Teacher visits the school weekly to support children who need additional support with aspects of their learning. The Oyne Parent Council is a very active supporter of school life.

School Opening Times

- Start Time – 9.00am

- Break Time – 10.40am – 10.55am

- Lunch Time  – 12.30pm – 1.30pm

- Finishing Time – 3.15pm

Head Teacher

Elizabeth McMahon (Acting)

Oyne School
AB52 6QT

01464 635100

Important Links

School Catering Services
Financial Assistance
School Closures
Term Dates
